Occupational Health & Safety


SIAG offers Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) training courses throughout the year for Health & Safety Representatives (HSR) across all industries. Our OHS training courses offer a collaborative learning environment and an experienced instructor that will guide all participants through the course content.

All HSR OHS Training Courses delivered by SIAG are WorkSafe approved.

Courses available include the following:

  • HSR Initial OHS Training Course (5 Day)

And the HSR Refresher OHS Training course, which has two streams that emphasise different aspects of a HSR’s role.

  • HSR Refresher OHS Training Course (1 Day) – Plant
  • HSR Refresher OHS Training Course (1 Day) – Work Related Violence

For more information regarding your entitlements as a HSR click here.

For a registration form click here.

If you have any questions in relation to HSR OHS Training courses, please contact Grant Cook from our office on (03) 9644 1400 or email: info@siag.com.au.